Friday, August 01, 2014

Book Review - CLEOPATRA'S MOON by Vicky Alvear Shecter

I enjoy historical fiction, so it's no surprise I loved this book. I went in not recalling much about Cleopatra Selene, which I think actually made the book better. Knowing the ending would have been a little anticlimactic.

The book starts with a flash-forward that feels a little bit like a cheat. Exciting things happening! Then not-so-much. Still, the chapters dedicated to Cleopatra Selene's childhood in Egypt are interesting, if slow, and a good contrast to the years following her parent's death.

Very little is actually known about Cleopatra Selene's life, so much of the book is from the author's imagination, but I thought it was a very plausible plot.

War is violent. Ancient Romans weren't always nice, and viewed sexuality differently than we do. This book does not shy away from any of these facts. If you feel uncomfortable with this, CLEOPATRA'S MOON may not be for you, but overall I felt the author did a good job of keeping the material real without being gratuitous.

Highly recommended for older teens and adults who enjoy historical fiction with a hint of romance.

CLEOPATRA'S Moon by Vicky Alvear Shecter
Five of Five Stars

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