Friday, August 15, 2014

Conference Expectations

In a month I'll be heading over to Mackinaw Island for the SCBWI-MI fall conference. I love conferences and look forward the ones I am fortunate enough to attend, but my first conference was a big disappointment. My expectations were way off.

At a conference, escpecially your first, don't expect to:

1. Have everyone to tell you how wonderful your book is. They may, in fact, tell you it needs a lot of work.

2. Sign with your dream agent. They may not even request a partial or full.

3. Land a six-figure deal for book contract. Honestly, this is probably never going to happen.

I'd had fairly good success writing short stories before I wrote my first book-length manuscript. Almost everything I'd written had been published. I was sure the only think I needed to get a book published was to write it. How wrong I was!

Yes, many writers find agents at conferences. Others connect with editors who will someday publish their books. It's wonderful when that happens, but don't expect it to. You'll be able to enjoy the conference for what it is, a chance to learn and interact with others who share your passion.

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