Friday, May 23, 2014

Overlooked YA Book Recommendations #IReadYA

I love reading. I love reading YA. What's not to love about #IReadYA week?

Honestly, some of the book recommendations. Listen, people, if it's a YA series that's been on the New York Times bestseller list for months, been made into a movie, or was required reading in high school, we've probably already heard about it.

Aren't there some hidden gems out there?

Keeping in mind I'm a rated-PG sort of girl, here are a few of my favorites:

All writers love Writer Beware and Victoria Strauss, but how many of us have read any of her books? PASSION BLUE is a great YA historical. Don't let the "passion" in the title fool you. The main character is an artist, and passion blue is a color.

I love fairy tales and fairy tale retellings. Melanie Dickerson does a great job with all of her books. They are written from a Christian world view, so not for everyone, but if you don't mind a bible verse or two being thrown in, you'll find them very enjoyable.

Kelly Barson is a fellow Michigander, and 45 POUNDS is her debut novel. Great contemporary. You go girl!

Is the Ascendance Trilogy YA or MG? Frankly, I don't care. I think it's one of the best series in recent years.

So what overlooked YA book do you love?


Anonymous said...

The Great Tree of Avalon series by T.A. Barron

I named my daughter out of that series!

Rondi Olson said...

Arthurian legend series! Awesome. I will have to add it to my to-read list.