Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Pushing Through Writing Discouragement

A writer, realizing her manuscript may never be read by anyone but her.

As a writer, my greatest fear is no one will ever read what I have written. I want my work to be enjoyed by others. I want to know the many hours I put into writing aren't wasted.

This fear is my most common cause of writer's block. I want my words to be read so badly I freeze at the thought what I write isn't good enough, and never will be.

Sometimes I get an external boost to keep me going, like a request from an agent or editor, but most often I have to slog through on my own. Writing when I don't feel like it. Writing when I hate every word. Writing when, at the end of the day, I have to delete everything I've put down.

Fortunately, the process works. Sooner or later I remember I write because I love the feel of words strung together to create people, places, and times.

What keeps you writing when you get discouraged?

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