Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Content Creators and Delivery Format

I got my first Kindle years ago. I was thrilled. I live in a rural area. The closest book store is about an hour away, and has a limited selection. Having an eReader meant I could shop for books anytime, anywhere, and I could be reading in minutes.

I was sort of surprised at the whole movement declaring brick-and-mortar bookstores better than online stores, and "real" books better than their digital versions.

The fact of the matter is, I read most books on one of my eReaders. (I have several now, from different companies, because, well, who can resist?) I also listen to a number of books in audio format. I do continue to buy "real" books, mostly when I've already read the digital version. I do this because there are some books I want to read over and over and perhaps pass on to my grandchildren, and I don't think we ever really own digital copies of books. They are more like long-term leases, but for most books, that is fine by me.

As authors, do we really care how readers access the content we create? I know I don't.

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